Message from Plumsted Township

Events affecting our nation over the past six months have dramatically impacted all the residents of our community and have dominated media and social messaging during this period.  The unacceptable actions directed towards Mr. Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota and the protracted response to the COVID-19 pandemic have humbled us all.

As we proceed towards the reopening of our local businesses and community activities, we wish to reconfirm our commitment to the community to ensure no form of bias or discriminatory behavior towards any person or persons will be tolerated in our town.  Equal treatment and respect for all persons, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, culture, or nationality is both the policy and practice of this administration. This commitment is not only illustrated by the actions taken by the governing body and the numerous committees and organizations supported by this community, it is documented by both proclamation and our employee personnel policy.

Since much of the focus has been on law enforcement, it is important to emphasize the fact that the Plumsted Police Department is one of a handful of police departments in New Jersey who are accredited by the New Jersey Chiefs of Police Association and have been so for the past 10 years. As part of this accreditation process, the department adheres to a higher standard regarding their Codes of Ethics, Conduct, Rules and Regulations, and the Use of Force Policy that govern their activities.  Each member of the Plumsted Police Department completes annual training and refresher training on non-discriminatory police practices as prepared by the Attorney General and the NJ Chiefs of Police Accreditation Program.  Patrol officers are supervised on each shift by a Sergeant who can and does provide guidance if situation dictates it.  We are both proud and supportive of our police department and are confident in their ability to perform their duties in an unbiased and professional manner.

As we move forward, let us do so as a community team.  If you have suggestions on how to better serve our community in building relationships or assisting in economic recovery, please reach out to us and share your thoughts.  Please contact us at 609/758-2241, ext 101 or by email at

Mayor and Township Committee of Plumsted

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