Happy Holidays from the Mayor

Happy New Year

As our community enters into a new year, I want to wish all of our residents a much better 2021 then we have all experienced in 2020. This year was a year of challenge and increased financial and health issues – never experienced before. It did not matter what age you were, we all were affected one way or another. I believe our community is much stronger for all the challenges. For each and everyone of you who keep our community safe and operating as normally as possible – thank you. It has been my honor to serve our community as Mayor in 2020. I fully understand that even without COVID–19, our community would have been affected with the various construction projects – all of which should be completed by late spring 2021, if not sooner. Sewer connections should be startING late spring and through the year, which will improve our environment. Our infrastructure will benefit from the sewer system.

Please continue to support our local small businesses. It has been a very difficult year for them. Our community has everything you need. Make a resolution this year to shop more locally. Most of the businesses go far and beyond supporting our community. They do not ask for “Thank You’s”, just your business. My prayer is that 2021 will be a better year for all of our community. Again, thank you for allowing me to be your mayor in 2020. I’ve tried my best to keep our community safe. I could not have done that without the professionals – police, EMT’s, fire company, township committee and township employees and especially you, our residents. May God Bless our community and keep us safe.

Please continue to follow the recommendations from the CDC and our local health department. In doing so, we will keep our community a safer place to live.

Be Well and Be Safe - 

Herb Marinari -  Mayor of Plumsted Township

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