The Health of Oakford Lake

Participants in Oakford Lake monitoring project

Image from left to right: Kate Tallon, Plumsted Environmental Committee, Dr. Alessandra Rossi, Montclair University, John Neyenhouse, Plumsted Environmental Committee, Robert Tallon Science Officer and Naturalist for Region 20 Watershed,  William Bonnell, Plumsted Environmental Committee. 

This summer, testing of Oakford Lake (aka Crosswicks Creek) for harmful algal blooms or cyanobacteria will take place. This will assist in determining the "health" of the body of water. A team has been established that attended trainings to learn how to assess, set-up, sample and record biological data and specimens collected. Additional volunteers are welcomed, but must complete online trainings. For further information please refer to the Plumsted Environmental Committee tab located on the Plumsted Township website at:

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