Holiday Message From The Mayor

Happy 4th of July

I hope everyone is well. As we enter into the summer months, please use caution while driving. Over the last three weeks there have been several serious and, in one case, unfortunately, fatal accidents in our township. With the holiday weekend approaching and our country trying to return to some form of normality, please drive carefully.

Our township building is open to the public. I am available 24 hr / 7 days a week for any questions or concerns pertaining to township issues. If you email me at the township and I do not reply within 36 hours, please call me at 609-758-8002.

I am very concerned about recent negative issues arising from the primary election and community events. For example, possible vandalism to property, signs both political and non-political being destroyed. As a community we do not need this type of activity. I have always been proud of our town and its ability to allow each resident her or his political or social opinions. Please continue that positive community minded atmosphere.

I am receiving many contacts about issues relating to our severely declining infrastructure on our roads, specifically drainage-underground pipes resulting in road damage–sinkholes, etc. These problems unfortunately will only continue. Repairs are taking place – by either the township or the county. Our subsurface pipes are old and will continue to deteriorate. Some issues are the result of the installation of sewer lines and related work on our roads. These issues have been addressed, by me, to those on that project. I still strongly believe that the addition of a properly installed sewer system will benefit our downtown area and revitalize our town-most importantly our businesses.

Please enjoy the holiday weekend and summer. On July 10th, at the high school field, enjoy the holiday fireworks. This event is sponsored by Animals and Gardens Unlimited, New Egypt MarketPlace and Big Woods Farm and Nursery. Please leave the event as you entered it. Receptacles will be available for debris and recyclables. There will be no food vendors. Some residents are still protecting themselves from COVID-19. Most of all just enjoy the event and the return to some form of normalcy.

Be Safe and Be Well,  Herb

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