A Message from Mayor Dominick Cuozzo

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"Dear Residents of Plumsted Township,

We are delighted to share an exciting milestone with you all! Thanks to the efforts of Superintendent Ytreboe, Business Administrator Gately, and Plumsted School District BOE President Dr. Giardina, alongside the collaborative support of Mayor Cuozzo and the Township Committee our school district has received an increase in State Aid to help combat the deep cuts that the S2 formula was causing. Assemblyman Sauickie has successfully secured an additional $264,898.00 in funding of State Aid for the Plumsted Township School District.

This remarkable achievement underscores the strength of our community's unity and highlights the profound impact of collective action in enhancing our schools and securing a brighter future for our children. The allocated funds will play a pivotal role in bolstering our school district, providing essential resources and bolstering educational initiatives.

We express our deepest gratitude to Assemblyman Sauickie for his unwavering commitment and advocacy on behalf of our community. Their steadfast dedication has culminated in this significant investment in the education of our children.

Let us come together to celebrate this milestone and renew our dedication to working collaboratively towards the sustained success and prosperity of Plumsted Township."

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