Message from Plumsted Township School District

Good afternoon Warrior Community,
      As you are aware over the last several years, the district has been negatively impacted by reductions in state education funding, in an increasingly substantive way. The attached correspondence and news release from our representatives in the 12th legislative district, Assemblyman Ronald Dancer, Senator Samuel Thompson and Assemblyman Robert Clifton speak directly to this issue. As they shared in their letter, these gentlemen are planning to lead "the charge to restore that funding ."  They are also asking for our support and assistance. I am planning to attend the Zoom budget hearings.  They are open to the public and the dates are on the Legislative Website.    As indicated in the letter, an online petition will be created for citizens to sign.  When it is ready, I will share it with you.  Hopefully through our combined efforts we can make a difference!

Please see attached documentation:

Letter to Superintendent

Press Release

Thank you,,
Michelle Halperin-Krain
Acting Superintendent
Plumsted Township School District 

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