"Small Business Saturday" - November 26th

New Egypt Flea Market Banner

The New Egypt Flea Market is participating in “Small Business Saturday” on November 26th from 10:00 am until 4:00pm. “Small Business Saturday” takes place on the Saturday after Thanksgiving to encourage people to “Shop Small” and bring more holiday shopping to small and local businesses.

This year, Plumsted Township will be partnering with the New Egypt Flea Market, offering Plumsted non-profits a free day-table to promote their organization. Food, snacks and of course, Santa, will be on-site too. No charge for admittance or parking. This is a rain or shine event.

Grab some unique gifts for that special person, while supporting local and small business on this very important day.

Vendor applications are required and are available on-line by visiting newegyptfleamarket.com. Plumsted Township non-profits who wish to participate must specify their status on the application to have the fee waived. Any questions from non-profits should be directed to Plumsted Township PIO Al Drucker at (609) 758-2241 ext. 114 or email pio@plumsted.org. See you there.


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