Volunteer with the Plumsted Municipal Utility Authority

Volunteers are currently being invited to serve on the Plumsted Municipal Utility Authority (PMUA). With the new wastewater treatment plant in its final certification process, several of our long-serving authority members are stepping down and creating new leadership opportunities for the next chapter of the authority.

The PMUA makes a valuable contribution to our community by leading efforts in recycling, electricity group purchasing, curbside trash and recycling pick-up, and the wastewater treatment system. Thanks to the PMUA, the Cedar Street recycling center accepts electronics, metal, light iron, white goods, and auto batteries. The Route 539 recycling center at EME accepts residents’ leaves, brush, branches (up to 4” in diameter) as well as oil recycling. Free mulch is available for residents.

The Plumsted Township Community Energy Aggregation Program, facilitated by the PMUA, has saved residents more than $1 million through purchasing bulk electricity supply. The recycling, trash, and bulk curbside service the PMUA contracts through Waste Management offers residents a combination of value, service, and convenience.

More than two decades in the planning, the new township wastewater treatment system is completing the last approvals before commencing full operations. In addition to working with our newly appointed PMUA Executive Director, David Leutwyler, and system management company, the authority will lead our downtown’s transition from septic to the new system.

The township committee has made it a priority to bring our boards to full strength to best meet their responsibilities and offer a range of perspectives to their work. Since January, the committee has appointed eight new members to the Plumsted Land Use Board (PLUB) and PMUA. We welcome residents interested in providing leadership to these important community activities to drop off or email their resume to municipalclerk@plumsted.org.

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